If you have a need, a need for speed; then Barrel Racing is your event. This is Barrel Racing 101. Now here are the rules, the fastest time wins. The horse will run in a clover leaf pattern around 3 barrels and the key is to leave all three barrels standing, while going as fast as you and your horse can. Because if you knock down one of the barrels, it's a 5-second penalty. The Barrel Racer has the option of going to the left or the right from the start. The bottom line: leave all three barrels standing as you complete the clover leaf pattern. The model for success in barrel racing is to go as fast as your horse can go. Straight lines from each barrel are key and whatever you do, don't lose momentum in the turns and don't knock over a barrel. Barrel racing is beautiful, fast, furious, and a true display of great horses and great cowgirls, and that is Barrel Racing 101.