Breakaway roping is the fastest event in rodeo. Sub three-second runs are to be expected. These cowgirls are handy with a rope and a horse. This is breakaway roping 101. There are a few simple rules, just like every event in rodeo, the advantage always goes to the animal; in this case, the calf. You must give the animal a designated head start. If the cowgirl leaves the box too soon, she will break the barrier resulting in a ten-second penalty, and in this case, with the prowess and ability of these ladies, you cannot make mistakes if you want to win. The cowgirl leaves the box in pursuit of the cow, she throws her rope clean around the neck, slides her horse to a stop, and the rope will break away from the saddle horn, and that is when time will stop. If the rope goes around any other part of the calf, but the neck, it results in a no-time. If you want to win this event you have to be able to ride, rope and do both with the gas pedal down, throwing no caution to the wind, and swinging for the fences every time. Breakaway roping is the business of these cowgirls, and believe me when I tell you, business is good.