Saddle Bronc Riding requires strength, grace, and precise timing. This is Saddle Bronc Riding 101. Every move the bronc rider makes must be in sync with the movement of the horse. Form and technique are critical to earn a good score. The rider must have both spurs above the horse's shoulder before the first jump out of the chute; it’s called a "markout." If the rider misses his mark, and his feet drop, he receives a no-score. Holding onto the rein connected to the halter of the horse with only one hand, the rider will be disqualified if he touches any part of the horse or his body with his free hand. The judges score the horse's bucking action and the cowboy's control of the horse, along with the spurring technique. The cowboy will try to keep his toes turned outward while moving his spurs from the points of the horse's shoulders, and back to the saddle. A smooth rhythmic ride is sure to impress the judges. When done right, it's poetry in motion, and that is Saddle Bronc Riding 101.